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Dental Implant

Fact Sheet


A dental implant is a small, permanent, titanium post placed in a person’s lower and/or upper jaw to replace a missing tooth or teeth. The titanium post acts like a natural tooth root, and after the implant has healed, they may be used to hold a crown and support partial or full dentures. If done correctly, implants may last anywhere from a couple of decades to a lifetime, as long as a person flosses and brushes their teeth regularly, as well as maintain routine checkups with their dentist. Our dental implant dentists can determine if a patient is suitable for dental implants, and if so, may fit them with a natural, comfortable implant.

What Are Full Arch Dental Implants?

Full Arch Dental Implants is a revolutionary procedure that uses only 4 implants to emplace your top or bottom teeth completely instead of using a dental implant for every single missing tooth. These implants can restore your smile in a single procedure

Helping Patients in San Jose, Santa Clara, Campbell & Los Gatos

Although it depends on the person, an individual may resume their normal eating habits about a week to 10 days after they have undergone a dental implant. If it is a simple dental implant placement, a person may have little or no post-operative swelling or pain. Our dental implant specialists may determine if a dental implant is right for you, and create a personalized care plan for the weeks following your implant procedure. Please contact our office if you have further questions or concerns!